Mushrooms often share many characteristics, and it can be difficult to differentiate between two based purely on the features of the mushroom itself. One key part of identifying a mushroom is taking a spore print, which can often help to narrow down your search. In order to take a spore print, you need to collect the mushroom and take it home with you. It's important to note that depending on where you are, collecting mushrooms may or may not be allowed. If you're in a park or similar, there is usually a sign at the entrance with the bylaws, should it be illegal. Additionally, it is illegal to pick wild food anywhere in the UK with the intention to sell it, and should only pick as much as you require. Even while taking these things into account, I still think we should be as mindful as possible about the nature around us. Fungi play a vital part in the ecosystem. With that in mind, I always try and protect the environment around me as much as possible, following a few simpl...
A space for funky fungal curiosities